Tool Tip: Get rid of those terrible metal tweezers!
Is that really 3D Printed!? Printing Fashion at Formnext 2023 with Stratasys
Amazing 3D Printed patterns with slicer settings and dual extrusion filament!
Inland Filament Black-Orange Matte PLA & Yellow-Red PLA
Dastardly Dovetail Box (Round)
Dastardly Dovetail Box (Round Magnetic)
Stair Jumble Vase (Coming soon)
Formnext 2023 – Visiting the R3D Booth!
It’s Pegboard Tip Tuesday! (EZPZ Pegboard Hooks)
On the way to Formnext 2023 – Stopover in Iceland!
Recycling your own filament scraps is difficult!!
Color Changing 3D Printing Filament by PLASport! (Put it in the sun for some fun)
Filaments by PLASport (Affiliate)
UV Emerald White to Purple (Affiliate)
Chameleon (Affiliate)
Models by McGybeer
Articulated Bunny
Lazy Cat
Lazy Dogs