Results: Printing with the new Ziro3D Silk Rainbow Filaments!!
Filaments by Ziro3D (Affiliates)
Pastel Pearl Silk PLA
Earth Tone Silk PLA
Candy Silk PLA
Models by Kekreations
Music from Epidemic Sound (Affiliate)
Bambu Lab CyberBrick coming to Kickstarter!!
Oh Brother! So many spools aren’t labeled!!
I want to meet the color designer at Ziro3D! (Unboxing new Gradients)
Filaments by Ziro3D (Affiliates)
Pastel Pearl Silk PLA
Earth Tone Silk PLA
Candy Silk PLA
Print your own light up mushrooms!?
New ICE filaments from Protopasta!!
Protopasta Endless Pastabilities Subscriptions (Affiliate)Protopasta Blog about the new Stainless FilamentMusic from Epidemic Sound (Affiliate)
Can you tell the difference in these filaments? If not, they’re all beautiful!
I made rainbow filament!
I printed with magnetic (well, ferrous) stainless steel filament!
New gorgeous elixir PLA from Cookiecad!!
Upcycled Organic Filament made out of Beer, Hemp, & Linen!!?? (Unboxing)
Join us at the Printed World Conference in Amsterdam!
Fun 3D models in beautiful new Ziro3D Filaments!
Models by Sassiecat3D on Thangs
See previous post for Ziro3D Filament Links!
Magnetic Filament? 60% Steel? With colors? YES!
Unboxing gorgeous NEW filament from Ziro3D!
Free STLs, Filament, and more! 1440 Makers Annual Fundrasier for WCK
New 3D Models from Clockspring printed in Prusament!
Enjoy Jigsaw Puzzles? 3D Print a box top stand!
Check out @KarenPuzzles
Model: The Ultimate Puzzle Box Stand by GK Design
Empty filament spools + Christmas lights = wow!
Music from Epidemic Sound (Affiliate)
I pranked my husband with 3D Printing!!
New Bambu Lab 3D Printer? Try these ideas!
Bambu Lab (Affiliate)
Filter cleaning brush for Roborock by stoolman
Sterilite laundry handle replacement by kaje (remixed by pread13)
Compressed air nozzle replacement by sobieh
Castle Themed Marble Run by Zwamdurkel
String Sailboat by 3DPrintBunny
Mechanical Wacky Wavy Inflatable Tube Man by CZDimensions
Flexi crocodile by Giogio97 (possibly a repost of Rogistudios model)
Tetris Puzzle by Vejstrk
Young Designer Creates adorable models: Abbycat3D!
Sassiecat3D Models
Bob the Baby Seal by Abbycat3D
Santa Bob: To be released soon!
SnowOwlBear by Sassiecat3D
Nomad Sculpt
3DPizza? No, it’s Core Carbon Fiber PLA from Sting3D
Making these FREE ornaments was too much fun!
New TPU for AMS Filaments from Bambu Lab!!
TPU for AMS by Bambu Lab (Affiliate)
Airless Ping Pong Ball, Tennis Ball, and Paddle by filete3d
Steam Deck Stand by revoun
iPhone 14 Pro Phone case by Da Vinci
TPU Gummy Bear by Karen Chau Designs
TPU Rubber Duck by Karen Chau Designs
The Squeaker! by Spool Designs
Articulated Dragon Toothless Flexi by PinkyWings3D