It’s so fluffy!!
BambuLab Filaments (affiliate)
Galaxy Brown, Arctic Breeze, Solar Whisper
Models by WhitneyRichmond
Pom-Pom Hedgehog
Customizing Pencils with my Laser!!
Tool Tip: 3D Printing bed adhesive that works on everything!
VisionMiner Nano Polymer Adhesive
Website Direct
Amazon (Affiliate)
NEW! Easy modular filament dryer for 3D Printing filament!!
Specialized Airless Basketball Filament from Wisdream!
Better or Worse? Is this new filament worth it?
Is PLA with a core of PETG an advancement in filament technology, or just the latest fad? Stronghero3D and some other companies have recently released filament combining PLA with a core of PETG. What benefits are there from...
Wow, It’s a 3D Printed Football!
Gimmick or Feature!? PLA filament with PETG core
Stronghero3D Shadow Series PLA w/ PETG Core (Affiliate Links)
Shadow Purple
Mirror Chrome Glitter Blue Purple Black
Burnt Titanium Blue Purple Black
Matte Rock Yellow Brown Red Black
Multicolor Wood Filament
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