It's a cylinder in which one can store things, but also an excuse for me to play with interesting shapes (as usual) #559
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updated August 23, 2023


Hello, hello, wonderful people!

It's a cylinder in which one can store things, but it's also an excuse for me to play with interesting shapes (as usual). By far the most time-consuming part of this design was exploring the form that the lid would end up taking.

Some versions were essentially a cylinder with interestingly-shaped holes, while others were sparse forms that happened to look vaguely rounded, but certainly weren't solid shapes. This end result is somewhere in between, and it's impossible to tell anymore whether the shape was build from individual meandering strands were joined together, or whether a solid shape was punched through with a myriad of holes.

In terms of function, though, the lid connects with a big, chunky thread, but that thread is only present at the very base of the jar, so it doesn't take too many rotations to get the thing undone. The interior diameter is 78mm.

Print Description

This is an assembly, but the parts have a generous tolerance!  There is a little bit of bridging at the top of the lid print (well, the top of the inverted lid, anyway) but that shouldn't cause you any trouble!

One interesting point about slicing this: My amazing friends at Filament Stories test printed this one and explored some slicing variations. They found adding extra walls beyond the default on the lid caused the bridging to be attempted sideways rather than lengthways, which in turn raised some warnings. That said, it would probably have still printed fine, modern printers being the amazing machines they are :)

Print Dimensions

The lid occupies 98mm x 98mm on the print bed and is 46mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


You could probably scale this up or down a reasonable amount before things got too tight or loose to still go together properly!

Print Orientation

The main jar prints right-way-up while the lid prints upside-down.

Further Thoughts

This one originally started out with giant threads all the way up, rather than just at the base. I loved the way it looked, but boy was it a huge pain to use! This version is far, far nicer :)

Happy printing!




Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
